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In the following you will find press releases on the topic of eFuels (synthetic fuels). You are welcome to use the images with indication of the image source © eFuels Forum.

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Press releases

Representatives of the energy middle class sue before European court for more climate protection

In accordance with EU regulations, only tailpipe emissions have been used to determine the CO2 emissions of new vehicle fleets of manufacturers of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. A group of plaintiffs from the medium-sized energy trade filed a lawsuit in the European Court of Justice in July 2023 against the tightening of CO2 emission standards, arguing that this regulation slows down the development, production and sale of CO2-neutral synthetic fuels for motor vehicles to the detriment of climate protection.

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DMYV and IWGB with the eFuels Forum at Interboot

Motorized water sports also make their contribution to climate protection. The German Motor Yacht Association (DMYV) and the Internationale Wassersportgemeinschaft Bodensee (IWGB), in partnership with the eFuels Forum, will provide information on the topic of alternative fuels at the international water sports trade fair Interboot from September 23 to October 1, 2023 in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance with an information booth and as part of a series of lectures.

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For more climate protection: Create a global framework for eFuels!

eFuel GmbH and the eFuels Forum welcome the initiative of Federal Minister of Transport Volker Wissing to promote eFuels as a solution to achieve climate protection targets at the international eFuel Conference in Munich on September 4, 2023. However, for this global challenge to succeed, appropriate framework conditions are required.

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Messe Nordbau: Less CO2 emissions thanks to eFuels

At the stand of the eFuels Forum interest group, visitors to the Nordbau trade fair will learn how CO2 emissions in the construction industry can be significantly reduced thanks to synthetic fuels – without adapting existing technology or buying new vehicles or equipment.

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