AutoBild calls for mass production of eFuels

E-Fuels Info / Uder

Can we really only achieve our EU climate targets with the mass production of eFuels?

In his commentary for AutoBild, Matthias BrĂĽgge says quite clearly: YES. In his opinion, we should say goodbye to the dream that we will only be able to CO2-neutralize car traffic in time with e-cars – especially in view of the existing car fleet, which is still clearly dominated by the combustion engine, also in terms of new registrations. Matthias BrĂĽgge comments:
“The battery-electric e-car is rather unfamiliar to most people, registration figures are only growing with active government support, and only slowly without support. A share of over 20 percent of battery electric cars in new registrations is currently not foreseeable.” (…)

“Now combustion engines are creating a new reality on the roads. Some diesels can already be fueled with HVO, and BMW delivers new vehicles factory-fueled with HVO. But how can the existing fleet of petrol cars be operated fossil-free and, above all, CO2-neutral? This creates great pressure to act. Because that can only be achieved with the mass production of e-fuels, that’s for sure!” Decisive action must finally be taken now!

Industry and politics should quickly – together and hand in hand – set the right course for the next steps in the ramp-up of eFuels production and the use of eFuels! Openness to technology is and remains the magic word here.

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