Become a partner in the eFuels Forum!
Who we are and what you can expect at the eFuels Forum:
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About us
The eFuels Forum was founded in summer 2021 and now consists of over 50 energy companies and interest groups from all over Germany as well as the technology partner CAC Engineering.
The platform has set itself the goal of informing the general public about eFuels. In the summer of 2021 and 2022, the team traveled over 5,000 kilometers across Germany in a BMW Mini fueled with eFuels from CAC to explain the advantages of synthetic fuels as part of an information tour at filling stations.
The eFuels Forum is also active at trade fairs and other events as well as on the social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Since 2021, further partnerships have emerged from the eFuels Forum, such as the eFuel GmbH and Klima Kraftstoffe GmbH were established. The aim of these companies is to participate in companies and initiatives and bring synthetic fuels to the market.
Your partner benefits
Services of the eFuels Forum:
- High visibility and presence of eFuels on social media:
Since its launch in summer 2021, the eFuels Forum has reached almost 6 million people via Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and has already recorded over 30 million impressions through its activities. - Support with the planning and implementation of events (digital/ in person):
We are active at trade fairs, events and presentations with our own stands and collaborations as well as speakers. In the summers of 2021 and 2022, for example, an information tour took place at filling stations throughout Germany and at the demonstration plant of CAC and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We also had a stand at trade fairs such as Nordbau, Interboot and various motorsport events. - Support with marketing measures (print/online):
We create marketing materials such as clothing, flyers, banners and much more, which the partners of the eFuels Forum can use for their own communication. - Development of a Germany-wide network:
We offer our members a platform for regular exchange on eFuels with news, monthly reporting and reports on our activities.
Additional services for HVO/KlimaDiesel
Support is doubly worthwhile:
members of the eFuels Forum are also offered a portfolio of services relating to our HVO product KlimaDiesel.
Advantages of eFuels
At a glance:
- eFuels are CO2-neutral
- eFuels can be refueled in combustion vehicles without technical modifications. They therefore make a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in the existing fleet.
- With eFuels, the existing infrastructure and logistics such as tanker trucks, tank farms and the filling station network can continue to be used. The complex and costly construction of a new infrastructure is not necessary.
This makes eFuels a complete replacement for conventional fossil fuels.
Personal contact person
Are you interested in becoming a member of the eFuels Forum and advancing the topic of synthetic fuels with us?
Please call us on 04251/818-144 or send an e-mail to Sven Schökel ().
We will of course be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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