Are the EU’s “CO2 reduction targets” even achievable with an “electric only” strategy?
According to Focus, the renowned experts from the research association IASTEC (International Association of Sustainable Drivetrain and Vehicle Technology Research) say quite clearly: NO, the targets cannot be achieved with the existing EU “electric only” strategy!!!
They are therefore calling for a “comprehensive revision of EU passenger car legislation”.
In a white paper, the researchers show that the real emissions of electric vehicles are more than three times higher than previously assumed. It is the overall view of the electric car’s CO2 footprint that causes the CO2 values to skyrocket, including the expansion of charging stations and electricity mixes.
Instead of a simple “tailpipe measurement”, we should switch to a “cradle-to-cradle” approach.
Prof. Thomas Koch from Karlsruhe, co-initiator of the IASTEC group, said: “If European politicians were to be honest and introduce such intelligent CO2 legislation, they could regain global technology leadership.” (aum/jm)
Good to know: