Hessian Ministry of Transport turns its back on electric cars

Are electric cars really failing the reality check? The Hessian Transport Minister Kaweh Mansoori apparently sees it exactly the same way and, according to the FAZ, is “reorganizing or converting the vehicle fleet of his house” – from electric cars to hybrid cars!!! https://www.faz.net/aktuell/rhein-main/keine-e-autos-mehr-warum-hessens-verkehrsminister-mansoori-auf-hybridautos-setzt-19710074.html?share=Whatsapp And this despite the fact that his party – the SPD – just like THE GREENS, is loudly calling for the end of combustion engines in cars in the European election campaign and wants to rely solely on electric cars! The reasons for his actions were the limited range of e-cars and their unreasonably long charging times! Nevertheless, the SPD and the Greens are unlikely to have a change of heart in this respect by June 9 – even though“climate fuels” with a reduction in new CO2 emissions of up to 90% have been available at German filling stations since mid-April (HVO100), with which every existing car could simply be “refueled”.


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