Grand opening of the eFuels Climate Contribution Conference eKKon 24 in Vienna!
Under the motto “Climate protection through climate-neutral fuels”, more than 250 distinguished business representatives, scientists, politicians and journalists will be discussing the future of synthetic fuels today and tomorrow.
Dr. Lorenz Kiene and Sven Schökel from the eFuels Forum will also be there to exchange ideas with numerous experts. Dr. Lorenz Kiene will also be speaking on the topics of “Synthetic fuels – projects, projects, projects” and “Climate lawsuit against ban on CO2-neutral fuels”.
Right at the start, there was also a group photo with Dr. Lorenz Kiene and JĂĽrgen Roth, CEO of the eFuel Alliance, and Ralf Diemer, Director at von Beust & Coll. Beratungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Managing Director eFuel Alliance – both from the eKKOn host eFuel Alliance.