Around 2,000 of the approximately 14,080 roadside filling stations in Germany now offer HVO100 or a diesel with an HVO blend. The network could grow even further within a short period of time if the E5 protection grade is abolished.
It was almost exactly two years ago to the day that customers at the Classic filling station in Hoya, Lower Saxony, were able to fill up with HVO100 under the brand name KlimaDiesel90, now KlimaDiesel HVO100, for the first time. The company was one of the first on the market to sell the fossil-free fuel made from residual and waste materials in its pure form. The official approval of HVO100 followed after a lengthy political struggle on May 29, 2024 and led to numerous filling station companies, including some partners of the eFuels Forum, clearing a tank for HVO100, especially in the SME sector.
Drivers can now find HVO100 or a fuel blend at more than 190 filling stations operated by partners of the eFuels Forum, 60 of them under the brand name KlimaDiesel HVO100. According to the eFuels Now association, there are more than 350 stations across Germany that sell HVO100 under various product names. This means that almost every seventh filling station in Germany offers HVO100 or an HVO blend (1,670 filling stations, blending 15 to 33 percent HVO). Across Europe, the figure is 14,000 filling stations, 5,030 of which sell HVO100.
Some companies report that sales at some stations now account for more than ten percent of total diesel sales, and the trend is rising. “However, we are still noticing that consumers are either not yet familiar with the fuel or are not sure whether they can fill up with it without hesitation, and then prefer to use classic B7 diesel,” explains Lorenz Kiene, Managing Director of the eFuels Forum and the LĂĽhmann Group, which operates the classic filling stations. The XtL (X-to-Liquid) label on the tank cap or a corresponding note in the Manuals usually state whether the vehicle is compatible with HVO100. A model list with subsequent approvals from Mercedes-Benz or BMW, for example, can be found here: Blends such as KlimaDiesel25 can generally be used in all vehicles.
Depending on the location of the station, the price of HVO100 is still on average around 10 to 20 cents higher than that of fossil diesel, as production is still in the ramp-up phase. However, it should be mentioned here that HVO100 is a CO 2-reduced fuel is not affected by the increase in CO2-levy as of January 1, 2025. In contrast to the classic B7 diesel, there is therefore no CO 2levy and therefore no value-added tax on the CO2-levy. “We assume that the price difference between B7 and HVO100 will decrease as refinery capacities increase,” says Kiene. HVO also means that the engine runs better and the very high and pure quality protects the engine, filter and other components and prevents harmful deposits. Users of HVO can therefore reduce maintenance costs.
Once a year, the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) provides information on the emission savings of various fuel types and blends in its “Evaluation and experience report”. Der jĂĽngste BLE-Bericht wurde im Dezember 2024 veröffentlicht und enthält die Daten aus dem Jahr 2023. Demnach wurden fĂĽr das Berichtsjahr insgesamt 140.294 Terajoule Biokraftstoffe zur Quotenanrechnung angemeldet. Den größten Anteil mit 60 Prozent stellte Biodiesel (FAME), gefolgt von Bioethanol (24 Prozent) und HVO (zwölf Prozent). Ausgangsrohstoffe waren bei HVO mit 16.664 Terajoule (99,8 Prozent) fast ausschlieĂźlich Abfälle und Reststoffe. Es besteht also keine Konkurrenz zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion, Palmöl ist seit 2024 als Inhaltsstoff verboten. Das BLE verweist explizit darauf, dass im Quotenjahr 2023 HVO erneut die höchste CO 2-savings among the biofuels that replace diesel. Specifically, the emission savings of waste-based HVO such as KlimaDiesel HVO100 amounted to 87.19 percent.
“A lot has happened in terms of HVO100 over the past two years. More and more consumers are aware of the product and are filling up with it to reduce CO 2 and do something good for their vehicle. With more than 350 filling stations offering HVO100, the network has also grown significantly, with new locations being added every week,” says Kiene happily. Medium-sized companies in particular have once again taken on a pioneering role here with products such as KlimaDiesel HVO100. To ensure that the number of filling stations can continue to grow, Kiene is in favor of abolishing the protective grade E5. This is because almost all cars can now tolerate E10, and Super Plus is already taking over the function of petrol with a low ethanol content. This would free up a tank for HVO100 or a fuel blend and thus enable an important building block for the traffic turnaround.
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Annika Beyer