Is the ban on combustion engines from 2035 really urgent?
The European People’s Party (EPP) – the largest political group in the EU Parliament, which also includes the CDU and CSU – is clearly saying: YES! Under the party leadership of Manfred Weber, the EPP group wants to ensure that new cars with combustion engines can still be registered within the European Union after 2035, according to the latest reports. The ban that has actually already been decided is to be reversed. In addition, eFuels are to be permitted. The EU Commission would have to propose a corresponding change and would then need a sufficient majority in the European Parliament and among the EU member states. Jens Gieseke, who is responsible for the topic in the EPP Group, writes on social media, for example:
“The ban on combustion engines planned for 2035 must be withdrawn so that the focus can be shifted to a technology-open framework. The customer is not accepting electromobility in the way we had imagined. The threat of fines for exceeding unrealistic CO2 limits must be prevented as a matter of urgency. In the current crisis, manufacturers need their revenue to manage the change.”
We keep our fingers crossed!