FDP demands: “Finally overturn the ban on combustion engines!”

Poor sales figures for e-cars and a shaky car industry – how important would it now be to finally overturn the EU’s unchanged ban on combustion engines from 2025? In the interests of Germany as a business location, the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament of Baden-WĂĽrttemberg clearly states: “It would be very important!
In its position paper “Auto-Krise zeigt: Verbrenner-Verbot endlich kippen!”, the FDP calls for “an appropriate and future-oriented industrial and environmental policy” and sees “the green-led state government as having a duty to vigorously advocate adjustments in the interests of Baden-WĂĽrttemberg as a business location” – also “to resolutely counter threats to our democracy”. And “it is time that words are finally followed by deeds!”

Minister-President Kretschmann should make a strong case for the following points at all levels:

> Lifting the de facto ban on combustion engines > Amendment of the unjust CO2 fleet limits regulation > Preventing the impending EU driving ban on existing diesel vehicles > Refueling of diesel service vehicles of the state with HVO100 > Implementation of plans to build a large-scale industrial production plant for eFuels at MiRo in Karlsruhe > Research funding in the field of eFuels > Establishing international energy partnerships with regions where renewable energies are abundant > Climate policy with technological freedom and no political guidelines We are keeping our fingers crossed!


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