Turnaround in freight transport at risk?

Are traffic lights driving climate protection in freight transport against the wall?

In a recently published press release, the German Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal Association (BGL) clearly says: YES.

According to the BGL, the reason for this assessment in this regard is the “presentation of the draft for the second adjustment meeting of the Bundestag’s budget committee on the 2024 draft budget, which provides for a complete cancellation of future subsidies for the purchase of commercial vehicles with alternative, climate-friendly drive systems.
The central funding program for e-trucks and charging infrastructure is affected. BGL board spokesman Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt speaks of “three times higher additional costs for an e-truck compared to a diesel truck” on the part of companies and also sees the climate targets set at risk.

Tip: eFuels (synthetic fuels) and HVO fuels could help enormously in this situation to combine climate protection and economic efficiency by preserving diesel trucks. However, the ideologically driven allelectric strategy currently being pursued would finally have to be buried.
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