Why is the EU still sticking to the ban on combustion cars – despite clearly faltering electric car sales?
More and more politicians in Germany are now asking themselves the same question. According to Tagesschau.de, Manuel Hagel, CDU state chairman in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg (BW), recently called for “more time for the changeover”.
“Transformation also needs tact and not just the sledgehammer of bans. That is why it is very clear to us that the ban on combustion engines in Europe must be changed again.”
Moreover, it is not the combustion engine that is “bad” for the climate, but today’s fossil fuels.
With synthetic fuels (eFuels) and HVO fuels, however, this problem could be solved relatively easily and quickly – even for existing combustion vehicles.
With synthetic fuels (eFuels) and HVO fuels, however, this problem could be solved relatively easily and quickly – even for existing combustion vehicles.
So far, the only thing missing is the political will to correct the ludicrous and ideologically motivated allelectric strategy that has been in place for years!
Openness to technology is the magic word. Perhaps the European elections24 in June will finally change the direction!